Jan 6, 2008


New Year. New "Resolutions".

1. Renew and strengthen my relationship with Christ.
For the past year or two, I've gone through many things that require me to have total trust in God. Fear is a definite struggle in me. It could easily take over my life and throw it completely off course. I've realized how much this world revolves around fear. I was talking to Chadd about that today. Every movie.. and book.. and TV show has something to do with fear. Fear of loneliness, fear of love, fear of rejection, fear of failure, etc. Almost every decision made on this earth is also made in fear of something. Look at teen pregnancy.. girls have the fear that they aren't loved so they give themselves to guys in attempt to get love. Look at spouse abuse. Adults are afraid of being alone, or not having enough income, so they marry anyone who can get in their arms to satisfy their needs or wants. Look at teens constantly cutting and hurting themselves. They're afraid to tell somebody what's bothering them because they have the fear of being rejected or judged, which results in a lot of depression. All of this happens. I see it every day. I talk to people all the time who go through these type of things.
With that said, one of my goals for 2008(and the rest of my life) is to have total and complete faith in God each day. I don't want fear to get in the way of what God is calling me to do.

2. I like to help and encourage people. I've had several people come up to me this week and ask for help. Most of them just needed encouragement and God's love. Some needed advice on what to do about a certain problem they're struggling with. So, my goal is basically to reach out to people... To other youth, or just about anyone who needs it. To some people, I'm just another youth.. just another teen who doesn't know what they're saying. Honestly, I don't always say the right thing. I'm human.. I don't know everything. But I can tell you now that Christ lives in me, and He will give me the words to speak if His Will allows. If not, than God's got someone else in mind to talk to that person.

3. As Keisha says, I'm "Artsy Fartsy". I love doing art. I love painting, drawing, taking pictures, etc. I'd love to go farther in that passion. I'd like to make great things. I'd like to make a painting for the loft or prayer room. I'd like to take a few steps in the Art Ministry with Jennifer... because it's clearly on a stand-still right now. My goal this year is to work on that type of stuff more. After all, I want to major in Visual Arts once I get to college... :-D

4. Regain closeness in my family. It hasn't been there in years. I'd like it back. Also regain trust from my parents. They seriously underestimate my abilities and honesty.

Here are some of the "smaller" goals:

5. Eat healthy and exercise. I haven't exercised in ages, and I certainly don't eat healthy. I'm not really trying got lose weight, just stay healthy. It's always good to be healthy. :-)

6. Manage money better. I don't get very much money a week, so I need to learn to use it wisely. God willing, I'll get a job this year to pay for missions and school, seeing as how I'm already on the verge of financial independence.

7. Stop losing expensive things. I lost a phone and a pair of glasses.. and broke a contact lens. My parents don't really trust to buy me replacements, nor do they have the money. I just need to be more careful... especially considering I get my license in two months.

Those are just a few from my list. I've got plenty more.. but I don't want to type them all.

Let me know what your resolutions are. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive. You sure are growing up fast.