Jan 28, 2008

It's that time of year again...

Prom season.

This year's theme is Once Upon a Time... (Similar to Return to Camelot, the theme four years ago).
Registration is next week. My mom's now pushing me to find an escort.
I'm still trying to find a dress that I can afford! The last thing on my mind is finding an escort to the prom.

With that said, anybody got any ideas where to find a good dress that's uber cheep? I've tried Half of Half, but they don't have anything decent. *shrug*

Maybe I can convince my mom to take me to the mall this week. Hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to all those dresses that you guys bought a while back? I seem to remember that you bought a bunch of them at some sale. Am I just out of my head?