Dec 24, 2007

Prayer Request


I've just received word that one of the moms at my Sonlight co-op just died of a brain aneurysm last night.

The dad of the family was already struggling with depression due to a best friend's car accident in a different state. He left state to see his friend(possibly for the last time), but then he found out his wife just died at home. Not only that, but the dad had a disease which gets worse with stress and anxiety. He is unable to drive very much, but thankfully one of his friends drove him back home after hearing the news.
The death of the mother was completely unexpected, and very sudden.
I believe they have two sons. One just graduated this year, and the other is around age 12.

Please keep the family in your prayers right now, as they are having a very rough Christmas season.
Please also pray for the Sonlight group. We will all miss her very much.

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