Jun 4, 2008

Dear Father...

You've always been so faithful to me.
You've cared for me.
You've never failed to give me answers, eventually.
You've always given me what I needed.
You've closed doors, even when I wanted to go my own way.
You've proven your love for me.
Not only that, but you've proven it to be far greater than any other love, and far more faithful and true than anything else I can ever imagine.
My life has a plan, and purpose, and it's all because of you.
I have hope, and a future... because of you.
You've always shown me what's right.
You've taught me not to judge.
You've taught me how to love.
You've taught me how to put my past behind me completely, even though I got a lot of cuts and bruises along the way.
You've taught me how to be a leader, and a shepherd.
You've shown me the way.
You've shown your love to me, and through me.
You've given me wisdom, and strength, and knowledge.
but also, you've given me a sinful nature, and the ability to be mournful, but you always used those for your benefit, and my benefit.
You tested me.
I've failed, many times, but it made me learn, and understand, which glorified you even more.
You've given, and you've taken away.
You know what I need, and you know what I can't have.

God, I can't even fully explain.
But You are far more than anything or anyone else will ever be.

Be the center of my life.
Don't let me put anything else before You,
or else tear my world apart so that I may see again!!
Strike me down.
Break my heart.
Make me weak...

...So that only You can make me strong again.

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