Jun 20, 2008


For those of you who don't know, my dad has been applying for jobs in Germany, Japan, and Cuba(all same job, just different locations). He's applying for jobs out of the country because, supposedly, the pay is high enough to pay off our house in about a year and a half, and start my parents retirement, as well as help with Holly's and my college. My mom's worried about getting through the summer, considering gas prices are so high, so my parents are trying so hard to get my dad a job that pays better.
If the company replies about my dad's resume, and wants to hire him, he'll have to move to Cuba(or wherever) for at least a year. Whether the rest of the family will be with him is uncertain at this point. We may just be with him for 45 days, depending on rules. Maybe not at all.

But who knows, maybe they don't want to hire him.
But I'm freakin' scared, I'll be honest.
I don't want to move anywhere for a year, and I can't even last a year without my dad.
But we can't make it without money either.

I really need some more faith right now.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

i...i...dont know what to say except that im praying for you and your family. that must be incredibly hard.