Apr 23, 2008


I was looking through some of my notebooks this evening and found some stuff I wrote a little over a year ago. I didn't realize how cool they were until now. :-P
I probably wouldn't call it poetry, but rather thoughts on paper...

With nails in hand,
You gave Your love.
Through whispering winds,
I hear Your voice.
Under life's heavy burdens,
I feel you lift me up.
In sweet melodies,
You speak of thy King.
Above all worldly dreams,
I see the golden gates of Heaven.
Behind false fountains,
I see Your truth.
Despite my sinful nature, God,
You still love me.

I also came across some simple notes I wrote to myself last month, which apparently I wrote while in New Orleans.

Don't keep striving for simplicity.
Don't try to go the easy way out.
There is a way that I must follow....
I cannot stray towards self pity and foolishness.
I cannot give up on what's important.
I cannot focus on things that will not matter..
Seek for wisdom and knowledge through Christ!

Rejoice in His presence.
Serve Him with all my heart!
Let His joy overwhelm me!
Love Him, and adore Him.
Love in Him, and in His ways.
Watch for His works.

Wait for Him.
Focus on Him.
Pray, trust, and love...
"Stop! Stop! For God's sake, stop!!"

Those notes are kind of "all over the place", but it makes a whole lot of sense once you think about it for awhile. :-)
It kinda reminds me of a quote I read a few days ago...
"God makes things possible, not easy."

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