Apr 11, 2008

Power Lost

I woke up Tuesday morning at 3:30 a.m. to my bedroom window shaking loudly from the 85 mph winds. Pebbles and branches were hitting my window also, and I heard a strange train-like sound.
My mom always told me a tornado sounds like a train.. so I was a little freaked out.
I thought that I would just turn on the news to see what's going on.. so I did.
The thunderstorms were reaching almost completely across Texas, Fort Worth sitting right in the middle of the worst spot.
Well, great!
The weather man announced possible tornadoes in the area...
aaand, the next thing I knew the power was out.
"Awww, poo!"

After that, I just prayed about it two or three times and went back to bed, and everything was alright. My dad said in the morning that he was so scared there was a tornado in front of our house, because that sound sure wasn't some train.
Power was still out in the morning but I felt lucky to still have shingles in-tact, considering our neighbor's roof was spread out all over the street and our lawn.
Unfortunately, it's been a day and half and our power and still out, as well as our whole neighborhood. It kinda stinks when Holly and I have a bunch of homework to do on the computer this week. *shrug*
I'm writing from the local library's computer, btw.

Prayers would be nice.

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