Feb 18, 2008

Prayer Request

I'm sure many of you have heard about this already. If not, than it's probably not any surprise...

My mom and I were talking about missions today... about the ones coming up at church as well as the ones at home(family). She's really excited that two of my cousins have been coming to church with me and have both accepted Christ since the beginning of the year. She now wants Holly and I to disciple them and build them up so they, too, can share their faith. Not only that, but my mom wants to be able to send them to San Antonio this summer for mission trip, as well as New Orleans next month and possibly D-Now this weekend. She thinks those trips would be very good for them. As much as I agree with all of this, she and I both know that's going to be very very hard on my family when it comes to finances. The money just isn't there, and Holly still wants to go to Romania, and I still want to go to Mexico. AHH!
Now, I have to edmit, I'm so stinkin' tired of asking for prayers for finances. Everyone has trouble with finances, especially when it comes to going to mission trips. There's only so much money that can go toward those. Sadly enough, my mom is stressing about it, and at this point prayer is all I can do.
Soooooo, could you all pretty please pray for my family?!.. mainly my cousins though... because I don't want anything more than to be able to send them on those mission trips coming up, instead of turning them down for stupid financial reasons. Blaaghh..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

katie im still praying for you and your whole family, especially with finaces. you can never ask for prayer too much. trust God and if He wants you and your cousins and Holly and everyone to go on the trips, He'll give you the money somehow. He works in amazing ways. i bet youve heard all of that over and over, but it is sooo true!!
hey, try doing what they suggested for fundraising for the Romania trip. i know u and Holly know pretty much all the same people, but...just ask everyone you know and tell your cousins too.