Feb 18, 2008

This is a photograph that I did not take...

... Rather it is one that I can only describe.

Many people were crowded in front of the altar. Some knelt... some stood. They all felt the words of psalms fill their hearts. Each of them lifted their hands high, letting the spotlight shine between their fingers. It was as if they were looking up at a brilliant light from God in the midst of a dark room. The illumination was so bright, so blinding, yet so comforting. The pounding of the foot drum and the strumming of the acoustic guitar filled their ears. Voices and cries filled the room with overwhelming power as every soul was surrendered.

Tell me what you see. Hear? Feel?


Tammy K said...

What photo? I see no photo? Hi Katie! Life is very busy. Pray that I make it to d-now...i'm not sure if I can get away from work for the whole event. See ya tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

beautiful. is it a real scene? one you thought up?