Feb 5, 2008

Homeschool life

I just remembered that I never informed you about my new Sonlight classes!
Oh by darn, that's terrible!

First day of Sonlight is tomorrow. Surprisingly, it's 10:13 p.m. Tuesday night, and I have everything done and ready. I'm hoping to be in bed at a "decent" hour tonight... or at least before 1:00...

1st hour: Swing Dancing.
Yes.. Swing dancing. I think it's going to be great, especially considering prom is coming up, and I nearly forgot all the steps that I learned before last year's prom. *shrug* Not only do I have a swing dancing class at Sonlight, but I also have one on Monday nights at Creative Arts for the next 2 weeks. :-D

2nd hour: Poetry
Basically, I suck at writing poetry. I don't know how well this is going to go. Fortunately, my teacher for this class is friendly. :-D

3rd hour: Research paper:
I've had a research paper class before. I don't like writing research papers, but it certainly could be worse. At least it's not deathly boring like most other writing classes... hopefully.

4th hour: Mapping the World by Heart*(Part 2)
For those of you who don't know what that is, it's drawing all the continents of the world on a grid map by memory, plus the details (such as mountains, capitols, deserts, country borders, bays, rivers, etc).
It's really challenging to get everything on the right coordinate, but overall it's a fun class. I've got the entire western hemisphere drawn so far. This semester is focused on everything else, including the inking and coloring. :-D
I'll post pictures of it once the school year is over.
(*this class is credited as a Geography class, not art. As much as it feels like an art class, it's based on studying each country and its culture and origin.)

5th hour: Spanish 2(part 2).
That pretty much explains itself.

It doesn't seem like a very big load, but it'll probably get harder after the first or second week(as it usually does). Pray for me this semester! I'd really like to work hard and be able to finish homework at the right time each week(as apposed to Tuesday nights). I need to get a job this semester too, which requires extra work and self discipline, seeing as how my parents are going to take on three jobs again, which leaves Holly and I to get everything done ourselves.

Many people have asking me, in confusion, "You homeschool yourself?!"
Yes, I do homeschool myself. Aside from classes once a week, I'm basically on my own. Some other teens tell me that they wish they could do that, because they could sleep in, eat whatever they want, and do their homework on their own time. I always reply with the same answer, "No, I don't sleep in. No, I don't eat whatever I want, I eat whatever I have(which is leftovers from who knows how long ago.. or a sandwich). And no, I have to have everything done before my parents get home from work, yet I have to work a minimum of eight hours. If I don't meet my mom's requirements, then I'm in trouble. Unless you have easygoing, well-paid parents, than you would have the same situation"

Anyways, I'd appreciate prayers very much, mainly for strength and diligence(and good grades!) throughout the semester.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am praying for you