Oct 24, 2008


I am weak.

I admit.
I am completely and utterly weak, and these past two or three weeks have been very emotionally draining on me. I find myself getting hurt, over and over again, and I've gotten to the point where I think I've pushed myself too far. My faith is not strong enough. I am weak. I am brittle. I need a full, honest, and close relationship with God. I cannot handle any other kind of relationship, and may not be able to for a long time.. not because of fear, but because of my weakness.
I will be stronger someday, and that is when God will direct me towards those, but until then, I've been blessed with a close friend or two lately, and that's probably more than enough for me.

Pray for me.
I need to take everything very slow.
Pray for healing, strength, guidance, and a faithful attitude.

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