Oct 30, 2008

My heart is loud.

I think I'm going to go back to the start, as if I was talking one-on-one with Christ, with no hindrance.
I remember when I could do that...
But it seems, I've been blinded by everything else.
I saw nothing. I heard nothing.
All I understood was my own desires.
My own desired failed me.
Man, they failed me miserably.

I think it's time to go back to the start, and reconcile my life with Christ's.
His love and grace is more faithful than the morning, so what am I to be afraid of.
My unworthiness and uncleanliness, I suppose.

I shouldn't be afraid of anything, really.
I admit that I am though.
I'm scared of many things right now.
I'm unsure if it's strong fear, or something that can just be brushed off the shoulder.
I can never really tell.
I know God can help me through though. He's always been so faithful to me.
God has blessed me so much. I'm pretty sure He deserves my whole-hearted attention, dontcha think?
I wanna give it to Him, because...

I love Him.

But, I wanna love Him even more.
I need a change for better...
...A lot better.

My heart is loud. It's screaming. It's hurting. It's dying for a release.
No man can silence it. I am in God's hands.

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