Oct 13, 2008

Quick Update:

1. I got my license last Monday, after having a stinkin permit a year and a half.
I'm pleased now.

2. After getting a license, I went and applied for a job at PartyCity, because it's fun and walking distance from my house.... this works better for lack of cars. ;)
Unfortunately, it's been a week since then, and they told me they'd look over applications over the weekend.. and nothing's come up.
Eh, oh well.

3. School is going surprisingly well, but I'm seriously not liking my Brit Lit class, and I'm having a hard time reading novels and writing essays about them(because I'm just not a reader, or a writer) so please pray that I can get that done and get a decent grade, pleasse!?

4. Praise Jesus, family is getting better. I was able to talk to my mom last week about some of the stuff going on in my life. A lot of things were cleared up, and she may now be a bit more helpful and supportive.
This excites me!

5. Michelle's visiting this weekend. Going to State fair on Thursday. Michelle's artwork is displayed there, too. Go look. Now.

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll post again soon.

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