Sep 15, 2008

Evacuee Needs

As a posted a while back, FBC Watauge(my current Sonlight building) was listed as an evacuee shelter for the hurricanes. Since last week, 44 people have showed up at the church, and are in need to help and/or company. Sonlight may not be held this Wednesday.

My mom is at the church now and she told me there are about 10 children and about the same amount of teenagers in need of assistance or entertainement. Boredom is apparently a big problem now.
I've also been told that they need blankets, pillows, shampoo, canned goods, money for laundry, and transportation for laundry. My mom is helping transport people now. I will probably be going to the church pretty soon to help out with kids and teens.

As a lovely reader of mine, I ask that you pray for the evacuees. My mom told me it'd be a great ministry opportunity.
Also, if you'd like to come and volunteer to help out, please do. Everyone is welc0me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
