Jul 15, 2008



I'm back from Mexico.

I've gotta say, it was one of the best mission trips I've been on. God orchestrated every single thing that happened to fit according to His plan and purpose, and I'm in awe of just the things I witnessed.
One team's translators accepted Christ. The amount of gifts or materials was exactly proportional the amount of people who showed up... on several occasions. A Man who couldn't move or walk was prayed over, and instantly healed. Teams walking through sewage mud and water, carrying kids on their backs just to go to VBS. Not only did they sacrifice for the kids, but they sacrificed themselves for their teammates(shout out to Justin, who carried me through poop mud when my shoes broke so I wouldn't get glass in my feet). By the end of the week, I was completely overwhelmed by what God had done and shown to me. On top of that, God spoke to me personally about how I live my own life, and I how I handle some circumstances. This week gave me a great opportunity to trust in God completely and humble myself before other people. God revealed answers to me, and he gave me patients, and wisdom, and many other things that I would not have gained had I not gone to Mexico.

Thank you God!

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