Aug 24, 2008

Update, again.

Babysitting went alright this week, for the most part. It was only a week long job, plus a few more days in the next few months, but the pay certainly does help with large funds next year.

School is starting a week from Wednesday. I'm still not even sure what classes I'm taking. My mom chose them for me, and I never asked what they are. Hm..

I've been driving more lately, so I can get my license. It's been going well, though I got rear-ended today in Holly's car. *shrug*.
No worries though, it's all good now. :-)

I am officially starting a "Professional camera fund" for photography classes next semester, yearbook next year, and to practice photography for a potential career(because, you know, I wanna be a photographer).
My goal is $7-800. It's going to take a while, so feel free to donate! :-)

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