May 9, 2009


Pray pray pray!!

I swear, I couldn't need it any more than now.
God has complete control over this... and it's beating me to the freaking core because of the mere thought of how incredible POWERFUL God is...
I need strength and guidance, I need a divine intervention!
I CAN NOT tolerate Satan getting in the way of this. I JUST CAN'T!

This is God you're dealing with.. powerful stuff.

Gah, I can't properly express what I'm thinking right now, not even in words on a blog.
Pray for me!
Pray that Satan will stay away, so God can do his work.
Pray that ears and hearts will be opened...
This is a radical mission field I've never experienced before... at least, not at this level.
This is such a huge deal to me, I can't even sit still... it shivers my spine.

God, send me!!

1 comment:

Sebaastgeen said...

You are awesome! God will fix everything!! I am praying for you!

- Sebaastgeen