Feb 8, 2009

Compilation Update:

I love How God can restore anybody from anything.
I made an effort to write down the verses I've been reading and what I'm learning from them. It helps me remember what I read about 3 days ago rather than forgetting by the next morning. Plus, the sermon on Wednesday night fit exactly to what I read the night before in Romans 6, and today's Sunday school lesson fit exactly to what I studied about three months ago in 1 Corinthians 13. Staying in the word has given me more strength lately, and I praise God for that. I'm also thankful for how much God has been confirming things to me through scripture and the church.
It's exciting.
I must say, though, that there are still a lot of uncertainties floating around right now which can be scary sometimes. I just hope I don't get discouraged.


School started on Wednesday. Considering I did most of my core classes last semester, this semester is going to be significantly lighter. Two are wholly spiritual growth classes(which I love very much already), and another is painting. That leaves Government and World History, which are only tough if I don't put any time into them.
I'm thankful for my load this semester.. at least, so far.


My family went out to take pictures today. I had a use up a current role of film before Tuesday, so my mom suggested going somewhere pretty. She decided on the Great Wolf Lodge. I'd never been before, but it turned out to be fairly nice. Looks like an insanely fun place to stay, but not a whole lot of really good pictures ideas came to mind. I filled up a role and half though, so nothing really to complain about.
and my parents have been talking to me lately and they've decided that they're going to save up to get me a nicer camera. I'll probably look around to find some deals within $500 or so.
It might be a while, considering our income is slow, but I certainly appreciate the change of mind on their part. :-)
In the mean time, my dad might help me build a website and my mom's looking to help me find an internship with a local photographer. I'm not sure how that will go, considering that takes a little more time and "experience". I may end up having to find any job right now, regardless of what it is, just because I need a better income, especially considering my expenses this spring.
I don't know.. I guess I'll see what happens.


Prayers would be appreciated(in any area)

Ohh! One more thing!!
Happy three month, Kason!

Feb 3, 2009

I've let myself slip.

Pride, anger, and reliving my past.
Nobody else really had anything to do with it, I kinda brought it all on by myself.
I've said and done things I shouldn't have.
I've hurt some people, and I've hurt myself.
I've become a mess..
I've caused problems. A family member told me this evening that I just caused permanent damage between several people.
I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, but it happened.
I wasn't trying to get in trouble, but I did.
I wasn't trying to relive bad memories, but my carelessness caused them to be relived.

I don't want to be negative...
I'd much rather not be upset, but how do I learn if I don't experience humility first?

I'm sorry.
The example I've given has been sucky lately.

I'm going to go talk to God now.

Feb 2, 2009

I need a break from the reality of this world.. or at least the stresses of it... or maybe I just need the ability to withstand them better.
I'd like to spend the whole day alone, laying on my bed, and praying until I have nothing left to pray about.

I am in pain.
I'm tired.
and I am spiritually hungry.

I need to go.
I'll post another update.. eventually.

Pray for me.