Aug 22, 2009

Sometimes I forget how quickly my life changes.

I'm completely aware that I haven't posted on here in nearly 3 months. I kinda feel like I've let this whole summer pass by, but then I realized that the only problem was that I didn't stop and notice the things that really made a difference.
I was talking to a good friend of mine this week about how entering high school as a freshmen really tests your maturity. What matters, and what doesn't? When should I and shouldn't speak? When is it okay to be loud and social(and sometimes obnoxious). What's really worthy to be upset about? When do I say "no"?. What are my highest priorities? .. and what is the foundation of my life and everything in which I believe?
To a middle schooler, these things are "subconsciously" important, but aren't really applied. My church's middle school group seems to become less and less mature every year, but then I realized it's just me growing up.

I'm entering my senior year. I read status updates on facebook today from 2009 seniors. They talked about how awesome their new colleges are and how cool their dorms and apartments look. I thought to myself "They're college students?? Really??"... then I realized I'm not too far behind them. I'm graduating in just over 9 months.
Truth me told, I have a lot of very large decisions to make in the next two or three years... decisions that, a year ago, I never even thought would cross my mind as a serious consideration. I'm finally facing the time in my life when I really have to think as an adult. What's best for me, and the rest of my life? These things were always "subconsciously" important to me, but they simply weren't applied yet. Now I see.

Pray for me as I set off into my senior year. I'm not dreading the return of school for once in my life. I think I'm fairly well prepared. The summer was fun and I learned a lot, but I'm ready to turn to the next page. I'm anxious to see what happens.

Pray for me. This is probably going to be most challenging year of my life. I'm going to need some strength and wisdom.

btw, does anyone want to be my accountability leader?