Feb 18, 2010

Mmm. Yay.

Several days ago, the results of my mom's biopsy came back. Two of the three "lumps" found were not cancerous. The third(and biggest) is cancerous though, but considering that's the only one that's "dangerous" right now, she can just have the cancer removed without having the whole breast removed.
The surgery is scheduled for sometime in spring break, and she'll start radiation about a month after that. Not sure about any other details.

So, all in all, results are better than what we expected, but still tough. Keep praying.

Fortunately, my mom and I found ONE weekend this spring that doesn't interfere with surgery, recovery, radiation, or any other plans, which means we can take a trip to Massachusetts to preview Hallmark... as long as we can afford it of course. :-P
But, I'm happy to hear that we're actually getting somewhere.

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