Jun 6, 2009


I coulda sworn I posted a more recent blog..
I guess not.

Here are some random updates I'll fill you in on.

1). College decisions still quite undecided, if not more complicated. I'm not really sure what to even think about all these possibilities anymore, nor do I know if I should go after what I want with full force, especially if it's going to fail. How do I try to achieve a goal and guard my heart at the same time?
Btw, college possibilities as of this week are TWU(Denton), UTA(Arlington), and Hallmark(Mass.).
Let me know if you want more details on these. I'll gladly explain.

2). Started some summer classes at TCC last week. My computers class is a drag.. and my English class is actually not as bad as I thought it would be. My teacher is entertaining enough the homework isn't terribly heavy. We watched Shawshank Redemption in class this week. Once you get past all the language, it's a great movie. :-D (we watched it for our next paper).

3). For those of you who didn't know, I got a car nearly a month ago... my own car, that's not the cruddy oldsmobile we've had for ages. That car has had it's days. :-D
Unfortunately, my radio didn't work, so my dad fixed that today.. but then we found out five of the six speakers don't work. *sigh*
One will do for now. :-P

4) It's impossible to get a job in the summer. Oh.. my.. gosh. Being a teenager sucks because all the entry level jobs are taken by all the *other* teenagers. Bah...

5). I decided I'm going to go to New York someday.. maybe several times.
I'm incredibly jealous of Trint and Tammy for going there for their 10 year anniversary.

6) It seems as if every year of my life has a theme to it. 8th grade was fear and faith, 11th grade was strength and forgiveness, and now it's like I've being constantly encouraged to try my best in everything and setting goals for myself. I know I've gotten this type of encouragement all my life, but it's way more emphasized now. I don't have any doubts that God is trying to tell me something through all these sporadic messages, but I'll be completely honest, I still have no idea what goals to set.
Maybe this is also a year of patience...

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