I find it ironic that just when circumstances become larger and more important, the lessons that are shown to me fit along perfectly. Kason and I have been dating two weeks as of yesterday. It feels a little weird considering I've never been in a relationship before now. One of the things I never completely grasped before was that when you become romantically involved with someone, the other person's life, emotions, and thoughts because your own too.
I walked into church this morning and knew immediately that Kason was upset, without a word or action done. I became slightly worried about it, and I wanted to help. He claimed he would talk about it after church. After a minute of pushing him to tell me, he became tense and told me to stop. I was a little upset for a minute. I walked off, and greeted a few other people. I realized I just made him feel worse, and came back and gave him a hug. I know I care about him, and I felt bad for just making it worse than it already was.
Fortunately, not too long after Pastor Dennis started speaking, the message began to form itself around the current situation, just as it did last Sunday. We both kind of realized that we fall into anger or discontentment more than we should, which only makes it worse for our relationship with eachother, others, and most importantly, our relationship with Christ.
Pastor Dennis began to sing a short song about thankfulness. Kason nudged me.. We looked at eachother, and gave eachother the biggest hug ever.
It was sweet.
By the time the service was over, we were both fine again, simply by the words of Christ filling us again through the message.
"Return to the Source of your Joy".
I thought, and remembered that as children of Christ, we are to continually rejoice. We're not called to always be happy and cheerful, but to rejoice, and thank God in every situation. We spent too much time with our minds off our main joy and purpose. For us, and our relationship, God is our joy and strength. Without God, we are nothing. Our relationship would fail. With Christ, all things are possible, and when we focus our minds on our joy and strength, things become not only possible, but also a huge blessing.
I'm thankful for today.
I've learned some valuable lessons,
and God has dearly blessed me with Kason.
and so many other stuff! I can't even explain!!
God is just so faithful.
God is my joy!

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