May 10, 2008

Questions to ponder...

Do you express your faith and reflect Christ so much that unbelievers can't help but wonder if God really exists?
Does God's love shine in your life so much that unbelievers can't help but see that Jesus willingly sacrificed His own life so we could live eternally?
Does your attitude reflect the hope and gift that you have, as a child of God?

You claim you believe in God.
You claim to be saved.
You claim that God is your first priority.
Why fear?
Why anger?
Why sadness? Guilt? Stress? Jealousy?
Why are those still a huge part of your life?
It's GOD, for pete's sake!
Can't you understand that He is so much bigger than that?
Fear was diminished when God promised He would always be there.
Anger was turned to forgiveness when Jesus forgave our sins, even when we didn't deserve it. Sadness was turned to joy when a hope and future were given to us the moment we were born again.
Guilt was wiped away when forgiveness took it's place.
Stress was eased when Christ healed our hearts. Why hold on to it?
Jealousy shouldn't even be a part of our life, because nothing is better than Christ. If you have Christ, why be jealous that you don't have something else?
Is Christ not enough??

Wouldn't it be so cool if the whole world turned to Christ?
Wouldn't it be so amazing if everyone saw the hope that Jesus offers?
Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone was so moved by Christ that all of a sudden nothing else mattered. Nobody else mattered. Problems were not problems anymore. Worldly pleasures were not sought after anymore. Money was not an object anymore. Religion didn't exist.
It would just be Christ, and His church(body of believers).
It would just be a true love relationship between you and the Father.

Wouldn't that be amazing?
If only Christians did their job...

These questions are not my own.
These are God's.
I'm just a voice.


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