Oct 5, 2010

I'm mingling with the thought of what to do with myself.

Sometimes I just feel like I'm walking on a path not marked for me, as if I missed an exit to a different road.

I need a Jesus GPS.

Feb 18, 2010

Mmm. Yay.

Several days ago, the results of my mom's biopsy came back. Two of the three "lumps" found were not cancerous. The third(and biggest) is cancerous though, but considering that's the only one that's "dangerous" right now, she can just have the cancer removed without having the whole breast removed.
The surgery is scheduled for sometime in spring break, and she'll start radiation about a month after that. Not sure about any other details.

So, all in all, results are better than what we expected, but still tough. Keep praying.

Fortunately, my mom and I found ONE weekend this spring that doesn't interfere with surgery, recovery, radiation, or any other plans, which means we can take a trip to Massachusetts to preview Hallmark... as long as we can afford it of course. :-P
But, I'm happy to hear that we're actually getting somewhere.

Feb 1, 2010

I expected to face many challenges during my senior year. College decisions, finding a job, living on my own, preparing for graduation, etc.

Who would'a thought that so many of the answers to these challenges would be on hold because my mom would have breast cancer?

Didn't see that one coming.

With that said, here's a prayer list I need you guys to help me with.

1) Pray that mom's appointments will be scheduled and over with.
2) Pray for successful treatments with minimal damage.
3) Pray that I can come up with the means to visit the colleges I am interested in(as of now, a college-visiting trip is on hold until I found out if mom will be healthy enough to take me).
4) Ability to afford treatments and college.
5) Wisdom for the right college choice
6) Find a job/internship in the field I want to go into(Photography/graphic design/business).
5) Faith and strength


Jan 20, 2010

I really want to listen to music in my bedroom as loud as I can possibly stand, just so it will drown out all my thoughts.

It's a shame that my mom's office is right outside my door.
She would find it annoying.


Jan 7, 2010


I wanted to make a lists of goals.
Ironically, it's the beginning of a new year and decade, but that really has nothing to do with my list-making. :-)

Worldly Goals:

Become independent, but sufficient.
Open my own photography business, complete with studio.
Actually be a successful photographer and graphic designer.
Live away from parents house for at least one year before marriage.
Become more confident with my physical appearance.
Take an oversees vacation purely for photography.
Attend Hallmark Institute of Photography, or receive just as much cool training and challenges.

Heavenly Goals:

Go on a mission trip overseas.
Missions in New Orleans for a summer(or any other season)
Work with a church youth group as a student encourager/counselor.
Be the best, most encouraging wife and mother ever(in that order)

...and with all these things, comes an unbreakable love and faithfulness to God, the One that pieces all of these things together.