Sep 27, 2008


Communication is key!!
Don't neglect it.

I love how God is always so convenient.


It seems my accountability group has gone it's separate ways(for logical reasons), so I don't get the same constant accountability now like I used to, which evidently has caused some problems.
I need someone to keep me accountable...
...A female, someone stronger than I am, someone who can talk to me on a regular basis, obviously someone I can talk to easily(but not too easily), and someone who can encourage me and help keep me in line. I don't want someone who tells me everything I want to hear, but everything I need to hear.

Basically, pray that God will bring me an accountability partner.

Sep 15, 2008

Evacuee Needs

As a posted a while back, FBC Watauge(my current Sonlight building) was listed as an evacuee shelter for the hurricanes. Since last week, 44 people have showed up at the church, and are in need to help and/or company. Sonlight may not be held this Wednesday.

My mom is at the church now and she told me there are about 10 children and about the same amount of teenagers in need of assistance or entertainement. Boredom is apparently a big problem now.
I've also been told that they need blankets, pillows, shampoo, canned goods, money for laundry, and transportation for laundry. My mom is helping transport people now. I will probably be going to the church pretty soon to help out with kids and teens.

As a lovely reader of mine, I ask that you pray for the evacuees. My mom told me it'd be a great ministry opportunity.
Also, if you'd like to come and volunteer to help out, please do. Everyone is welc0me.

Sep 13, 2008

There she goes...

Holly officially has a boyfriend now.

This is weird...

Sep 7, 2008

Oh yeah... *UPDATE*

The job my dad applied for in Cuba called him back about an interview.
Mixed feelings about it.

Pray that the right thing will happen, and the family will support either way.

*Update: Tuesday Sep 9*

My dad finally got a hold of the company in Cuba for an interview(my dad wasn't available when they first called on Friday). An interview is scheduled for the beginning of next week.
I'll update again when I know more.

Sep 6, 2008


God is faithful.
All is well.

Sep 5, 2008


I hate to post "negative" blogs, but I have to say, I've hit rock bottom today.
What makes this so scary now, is that I didn't even see it coming. It's like everything went from positive, uplifting, and hopful, to wreched fear in an hour and a half.
I don't want to put myself in a huge pitty-party.
But I'm definitely in need of some prayer right now.

God is near.
But, man, am I so incredibly scared to do a thing as small as a phone call.

Sep 3, 2008


I can feel the physical stress of kickboxing now.

and I have another class tomorrow.


On a brighter note:
Apparently I can leg press 390, which is actually lower than the majority of the class, but still, that's a lot for a flimsy girl who hasn't exercised in four years.


Sep 2, 2008


No evacuees showed up at FBC Watauga, so Sonlight is starting tomorrow.

I can believe I never even posted what classes I'm taking! How sinful of me...
However, I never could remember my schedule. My mom chose my classes and all I knew was that there were four stinkin' hard classes and one painting class, so I just went with it.

But, here I am, the night before, finally figuring out my class schedule.
So, here ya go.

1st hour: British Literature. Apparently, this class is only a half-credit, which explains why I crammed in another half semester of Bob Jones Brit Lit in these past three weeks at home. Woohoo, one full credit of Brit Lit!
2nd hour: World History. I'm not really sure what to expect with this class. I've already done the homework for the first two chapters, and for the most part, it's not too hard and relatively interesting to a degree, but I must keep it mind, it is only the first week...
3rd hour: Electing the President. Weird name, but it's basically learning more about politics and the presidential election while it's happening. Michelle took this class fours years ago. I think it will be intriguing..
4th hour: Government. Holly took this class last semester. If anything, I'm really not looking forward to this class...
5th hour: Acrylic Painting. I haven't gotten into painting much, but I've certainly been interested. I think I'll love this class. :-)

Other than Sonlight, I'm taking Kickboxing and Bowling at TCC for duel credit.

My mom and I planned out this year's schedule in order to get most of my high school credits done before senior year, if not before spring semester of junior year(this year). If I do, I'll only have to take two or three core classes my senior year so I can focus on SAT scores, yearbook at Sonlight(because they've been asking for me for two years), and photography at TCC(which I might actually take next semester, but I'm not sure yet).

All I can say is pray that I can pass all my classes! My mom wasn't pleased with my grades from last year, so I really got step up my game.

Sep 1, 2008

Well, dang

I went to Grapevine Lake for Labor Day.
I got a sunburn.
Same place as last month.



First Baptist Watauga, the church hosting my Sonlight homeschool group, in opening a New Orleans Evacuee shelter. If people actually come tomorrow, than the first day of Sonlight is going to be postponed a week, instead of this coming Wednesday.
My mom and I agree it would be lovely to have it postponed.
I guess we'll know by tomorrow afternoon, seeing as how tomorrow is Tuesday...