My relatives are finally getting some things straightened out. It still a little tense, but better. We're celebrating Christmas with my Granddad's side of the family later today. We're celebrating Christmas with my grandmother's side of the family tomorrow after church, possibly. That's depending on whether Chris' family wants to see us.
Then the next day is Danny's wedding on New Year's Eve!
I'll let you know how that goes.
Until then, have a nice weekend!
Dec 29, 2007
Dec 27, 2007
What an Experience!
My parents bought me a new devotional book for Christmas. Experiencing God. I've been wanting to get it for a while, but never had the money.
Thank Goodness for Christmas, eh?
Anyways, It's a wonderful devotional. I've never actually worked on a devotional by myself before. It was always with a class or something.. so I didn't get much out of it.
This is great though. I'm only on day 3 and I'm blown away. Tammy kind of hinted I should get the youth edition, but I think this is good...very good.
(Hah.. I'm still very sorry about that Tammy.. but hey! It's working well!)
Anyways, enough babbling.
Just to sum it all up... God's speaking to me, and it's amazing. Go buy the devotional. NOW!
My parents bought me a new devotional book for Christmas. Experiencing God. I've been wanting to get it for a while, but never had the money.
Thank Goodness for Christmas, eh?
Anyways, It's a wonderful devotional. I've never actually worked on a devotional by myself before. It was always with a class or something.. so I didn't get much out of it.
This is great though. I'm only on day 3 and I'm blown away. Tammy kind of hinted I should get the youth edition, but I think this is good...very good.
(Hah.. I'm still very sorry about that Tammy.. but hey! It's working well!)
Anyways, enough babbling.
Just to sum it all up... God's speaking to me, and it's amazing. Go buy the devotional. NOW!
For the past few weeks, possibly months, I've noticed how completely ridiculous Myspace is.. I'm seeing how people are being so consumed by it, and posting bulletins every 5 minutes. I'm not sure if they just have nothing better to do, or if that's their idea of a good day.
Same goes for Facebook.
Seriously guys, those applications are stupid. Haha.
For those of you who have one or both of those.. keep in mind that they should NOT be your life. Sure, you can check them every now and then, but come on... are you really going to get new messages and comments as soon as you leave your desk? No.. you're probably not... so leave it alone!
I'm probably not going to be spending so much time on them for awhile. I don't feel the need to post surveys and unneeded information on bulletins, notes, and blogs. That's partly why I made this one. It's a little more private.
That's all I have to say about that.
Have a nice rest of the day!
For the past few weeks, possibly months, I've noticed how completely ridiculous Myspace is.. I'm seeing how people are being so consumed by it, and posting bulletins every 5 minutes. I'm not sure if they just have nothing better to do, or if that's their idea of a good day.
Same goes for Facebook.
Seriously guys, those applications are stupid. Haha.
For those of you who have one or both of those.. keep in mind that they should NOT be your life. Sure, you can check them every now and then, but come on... are you really going to get new messages and comments as soon as you leave your desk? No.. you're probably not... so leave it alone!
I'm probably not going to be spending so much time on them for awhile. I don't feel the need to post surveys and unneeded information on bulletins, notes, and blogs. That's partly why I made this one. It's a little more private.
That's all I have to say about that.
Have a nice rest of the day!
Dec 25, 2007
I cracked...
The 2007/New Year surveys on Myspace are "The thing" right now.
It's crazy.
I found one that looks somewhat decent though..
Body: 2007: In The Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year?: I was at the Mulenbergs with my family. It was great.
Who were you with?: My family, the Mulenbergs, the Hinkles, the Taylors, the Jones', the Buies, and a bunch of other people.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: nope
Did you make any resolutions?: Yep. Didn't really accomplish it, as far as I know.
2007: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone?: nope
Did you get anything for Valentine's day?: A sweet message. Haha.
Did you meet anyone special?: I already knew someone special.
Did you fall in love?: nope
2007: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year?: Oh yes.
Did any of your friendships end?: Eh. Some drifted, but none ended.
Did you dislike anyone?: I disliked some people, but the dislike ended eventually.
Did you make any new enemies?: Hmm. Already had them.
Did you resolve any fights?: Tried. Didn't come out the best, but it helped.
Who was your closest friend?: Throughout the year, Kelsey.
Who did you grow apart from?: Some friends.. I won't mention their names.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?: I told someone something I didn't really want to tell.. and in that sense I have a small regret, but I'm pretty much over it now.
2007: Your BIRTHDAY!!!
Did you have a cake? Yes. It was red velvet with cream cheese icing. My mom bought it from walmart at the last minute. Oh.. and Kelsey gave me a cheesecake. Haha.
What did you do for your birthday?: On my birthday, we didn't really do anything. My parents and my sister gave me a gift though.. which is always good.
Did you have a party?: Mhm
Did you get any presents?: Yep.
If so what was the best thing you got?: At this point, I can only remember the one Holly gave me, and the one Kelsey gave me.... so I have no idea.
2007: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?: Nope. I stayed the same EXACT person. I didn't learn anything new... I didn't get any older.. I stayed the same...
Pfh... of course I've changed.
Did you dye your hair?: nope
Did you get your hair cut?: Err... twice. Don't have enough money to get hair cuts that often.
Did you change your style?: A little bit. Not drastic change though.
Were you in school?: yep
Did you get good grades?: For the most part. There were a few frighteningly low grades here and there, but generally good.
Did you have a job?: nope
Did you drive?: Mmhm. Got a permit.
Did you own a car?: Psh. No.
Did anyone close to you give birth?: not too close.
Did you move at all?: nope. Same ol' house.
Did you go on any vacations?: nope
Did you leave the country at all?: Mexico with the church. Five times to be exact. Haha.
Would you change anything about yourself now?: Well I'm not perfect. I'd always like something to be better.
2007: Wrap Up.
Is 2007 a good year?: It was hard. It was saddening, but hey.. I couldn't have lived without it. Hah.
It was a gift of God. There's not much more I can say.
Did 2007 bring any new insights?: Yep
Do you think 2008 will top 2007?: Yes, it will.
If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: Evening of Praise. And Mission New Orleans. But God willing I'll do both of those again in 2008. :-)
The 2007/New Year surveys on Myspace are "The thing" right now.
It's crazy.
I found one that looks somewhat decent though..
Body: 2007: In The Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year?: I was at the Mulenbergs with my family. It was great.
Who were you with?: My family, the Mulenbergs, the Hinkles, the Taylors, the Jones', the Buies, and a bunch of other people.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: nope
Did you make any resolutions?: Yep. Didn't really accomplish it, as far as I know.
2007: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone?: nope
Did you get anything for Valentine's day?: A sweet message. Haha.
Did you meet anyone special?: I already knew someone special.
Did you fall in love?: nope
2007: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year?: Oh yes.
Did any of your friendships end?: Eh. Some drifted, but none ended.
Did you dislike anyone?: I disliked some people, but the dislike ended eventually.
Did you make any new enemies?: Hmm. Already had them.
Did you resolve any fights?: Tried. Didn't come out the best, but it helped.
Who was your closest friend?: Throughout the year, Kelsey.
Who did you grow apart from?: Some friends.. I won't mention their names.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?: I told someone something I didn't really want to tell.. and in that sense I have a small regret, but I'm pretty much over it now.
2007: Your BIRTHDAY!!!
Did you have a cake? Yes. It was red velvet with cream cheese icing. My mom bought it from walmart at the last minute. Oh.. and Kelsey gave me a cheesecake. Haha.
What did you do for your birthday?: On my birthday, we didn't really do anything. My parents and my sister gave me a gift though.. which is always good.
Did you have a party?: Mhm
Did you get any presents?: Yep.
If so what was the best thing you got?: At this point, I can only remember the one Holly gave me, and the one Kelsey gave me.... so I have no idea.
2007: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?: Nope. I stayed the same EXACT person. I didn't learn anything new... I didn't get any older.. I stayed the same...
Pfh... of course I've changed.
Did you dye your hair?: nope
Did you get your hair cut?: Err... twice. Don't have enough money to get hair cuts that often.
Did you change your style?: A little bit. Not drastic change though.
Were you in school?: yep
Did you get good grades?: For the most part. There were a few frighteningly low grades here and there, but generally good.
Did you have a job?: nope
Did you drive?: Mmhm. Got a permit.
Did you own a car?: Psh. No.
Did anyone close to you give birth?: not too close.
Did you move at all?: nope. Same ol' house.
Did you go on any vacations?: nope
Did you leave the country at all?: Mexico with the church. Five times to be exact. Haha.
Would you change anything about yourself now?: Well I'm not perfect. I'd always like something to be better.
2007: Wrap Up.
Is 2007 a good year?: It was hard. It was saddening, but hey.. I couldn't have lived without it. Hah.
It was a gift of God. There's not much more I can say.
Did 2007 bring any new insights?: Yep
Do you think 2008 will top 2007?: Yes, it will.
If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: Evening of Praise. And Mission New Orleans. But God willing I'll do both of those again in 2008. :-)
Dec 24, 2007
Prayer Request
I've just received word that one of the moms at my Sonlight co-op just died of a brain aneurysm last night.
The dad of the family was already struggling with depression due to a best friend's car accident in a different state. He left state to see his friend(possibly for the last time), but then he found out his wife just died at home. Not only that, but the dad had a disease which gets worse with stress and anxiety. He is unable to drive very much, but thankfully one of his friends drove him back home after hearing the news.
The death of the mother was completely unexpected, and very sudden.
I believe they have two sons. One just graduated this year, and the other is around age 12.
Please keep the family in your prayers right now, as they are having a very rough Christmas season.
Please also pray for the Sonlight group. We will all miss her very much.
I've just received word that one of the moms at my Sonlight co-op just died of a brain aneurysm last night.
The dad of the family was already struggling with depression due to a best friend's car accident in a different state. He left state to see his friend(possibly for the last time), but then he found out his wife just died at home. Not only that, but the dad had a disease which gets worse with stress and anxiety. He is unable to drive very much, but thankfully one of his friends drove him back home after hearing the news.
The death of the mother was completely unexpected, and very sudden.
I believe they have two sons. One just graduated this year, and the other is around age 12.
Please keep the family in your prayers right now, as they are having a very rough Christmas season.
Please also pray for the Sonlight group. We will all miss her very much.
Dec 23, 2007
I love...
...my sunday school class.
Confession is happenin' like crazy.
God's not letting Satan into this. It's AWE-some.
...my sunday school class.
Confession is happenin' like crazy.
God's not letting Satan into this. It's AWE-some.
Dec 22, 2007
I just told my whole life story to a friend.
Well.. more like two years.. but it feels like my whole life story, Ha.
What's funny is that I was just trying to encourage him from being depressed from the lack of a girlfriend...
Um.. ok?
At least he feels better now. :-)
I'm exhausted though.
Kind of emotionally drained.
I'm going to bed.
I just told my whole life story to a friend.
Well.. more like two years.. but it feels like my whole life story, Ha.
What's funny is that I was just trying to encourage him from being depressed from the lack of a girlfriend...
Um.. ok?
At least he feels better now. :-)
I'm exhausted though.
Kind of emotionally drained.
I'm going to bed.
Dec 21, 2007
Prayer Request
My relatives are insane.
My immediate family was planning on visiting both sides of the family the weekend after Christmas. (One side = my mom's mom, step-dad, and family. Other side = my mom's dad, step-mom, and family)
We got a phone call from my grandmother today claiming she was coming over sometime this weekend for a Christmas party. Aunt Donna, and my cousins Aimee and Evan, can't come from Austin this weekend though... and chances are, my uncle Chris, and cousins Danny, Lauren, and Tricia can't make it either.. they never can, especially considering the short notice.
So.. why this weekend? I don't know...
But apparently my grandmother wants to get together with each family separately(My family, Donna's family, and Chris's family) due to controversy. Chris's family apparently doesn't like my family anymore(for some unknown reason), so they don't even want to see us. Donna's family doesn't want to see Chris' family. She's still angry with all of them because of some incident back in August. They don't even want to come to my cousin Danny's wedding on New Year's Eve.
So basically, my grandmother just wanted to have a get-together with my immediate family, right after having a party with Chris's immediate family elsewhere.. because heaven forbid we see Chris and his family! Oh.. and then my grandmother would drive to Austin to be with Donna and her family for Christmas.
My mom doesn't want my grandmother to come over this weekend though... she was planning on going shopping with my sisters and I... plus Michelle works.
Probably confusing to you. Sorry about that, hah...
But anyways, I'm asking praying for my family right now. We're clearly not getting along, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be separated from parts of our family for a long time... not good.
On the brighter note.. the other side of the family(mom's dad) is fine. We get along with them fairly well. Plus, Donna's family is also a part of that side of the family.. and they CAN come next weekend.. so I'll be able to see that whole side of the family peacefully. :-)
My relatives are insane.
My immediate family was planning on visiting both sides of the family the weekend after Christmas. (One side = my mom's mom, step-dad, and family. Other side = my mom's dad, step-mom, and family)
We got a phone call from my grandmother today claiming she was coming over sometime this weekend for a Christmas party. Aunt Donna, and my cousins Aimee and Evan, can't come from Austin this weekend though... and chances are, my uncle Chris, and cousins Danny, Lauren, and Tricia can't make it either.. they never can, especially considering the short notice.
So.. why this weekend? I don't know...
But apparently my grandmother wants to get together with each family separately(My family, Donna's family, and Chris's family) due to controversy. Chris's family apparently doesn't like my family anymore(for some unknown reason), so they don't even want to see us. Donna's family doesn't want to see Chris' family. She's still angry with all of them because of some incident back in August. They don't even want to come to my cousin Danny's wedding on New Year's Eve.
So basically, my grandmother just wanted to have a get-together with my immediate family, right after having a party with Chris's immediate family elsewhere.. because heaven forbid we see Chris and his family! Oh.. and then my grandmother would drive to Austin to be with Donna and her family for Christmas.
My mom doesn't want my grandmother to come over this weekend though... she was planning on going shopping with my sisters and I... plus Michelle works.
Probably confusing to you. Sorry about that, hah...
But anyways, I'm asking praying for my family right now. We're clearly not getting along, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be separated from parts of our family for a long time... not good.
On the brighter note.. the other side of the family(mom's dad) is fine. We get along with them fairly well. Plus, Donna's family is also a part of that side of the family.. and they CAN come next weekend.. so I'll be able to see that whole side of the family peacefully. :-)
Dec 20, 2007
This is depressing...
I think I'll do a meme every once in awhile...
Random/BasicName: Katie
Nickname: Katerz
Best memory: I don't even know.. there's been so many
Worst memory: bleghh...
Best dream: Hah. I never have really good dreams.
Worst nightmare: My friend died..
Weaknesses: fear, self confidence, etc.
Strengths: I try my best to encourage people.
Anyone have the same birthday as you?: Kiersten.
Would you...
die for a friend?: Probably
die for your crush/bf/gf?: Probably
die for your family?: Mmhm
ever kill yourself?: Probably not.
Kill someone else?: no
If you had to choose-
save your cat or save your enemy?: enemy
rather freeze or burn to death?: I don't know... neither!
admit you love someone?: yeah
break the law or lie to save a friend?: Uh. Save a friend.
Have you ever...
cut yourself?: no
been in love?: With Jesus. :-)
thought about suicide?: I've thought about it in the past, yes.
hated someone so much you thought you would really kill them?: no
starved yourself?: no
forced yourself to cry?: no
forced yourself to throw up?: no
betrayed a friend?: I don't know... I hope not.
hurt someone else so you would feel better about yourself?: no
Which is worse?
your friend dying or your parent dying: They're both terrible... I don't know which would be worse though.
losing all your old memories or never being able to make new ones: Never being able to make new ones. Life will go on if I lose my old ones.
being rejected by someone you love or having your feelings returned only to be dumped a month later: How would I be rejected by someone I love? I'd only be in love with someone if there really was a relationship there. If I'm truly in love with them, and they love me back, than there's no reason for it to be "rejected" or "dumped" after a month. Love never fails.
being raped or willingly having sex and later regretting it: I don't know. They both have terrible cons.
having no emotions or only being happy once every couple of months: Some of these questions just don't make sense..
losing all your friends on earth or never having found God: Never having found God. He's my life. Nothing is more important.
being dumped or dumping someone: I've never done either.. so I don't know.
falling in love with an anime character or falling in love with a celebrity: Anime character. Hah..
a friend moving away or losing touch with a friend who lives right near you: I don't know..
What is your dream in life?: I don't have dreams. I have goals... and that's the follow God's plan for me.
Do you have insomnia?: Seems like it sometimes, hah.
Do you often wake up in the middle of the night after a bad dream?: yes
Do you get deja vu?: uh..
Did you ever have a dream that came true?: Not that I can remember at the moment...
What about a nightmare?: no
Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?: All the time.
Do you daydream?: Yes
Have you ever dreamed you were falling?: no
Greatest fears: abuse
What are you not afraid of at all?: Why does pumpkin pie come to mind??
Name a weird phobia you have: I don't know the names of them...
Has your fear ever come true?: Yep
Is your fear a common fear?: I suppose it is..
Any particular reason for the fear?: yes
Does it ever control your life?: Hm. It can... but it doesn't usually
Have you had nightmares about the fear?: Yep
Are you more afraid of rejection or failure?: Failure
The Past
Most missed memory: Childhood innocence.
How have your feelings changed throughout your life?: Feelings about what? Be more specific here!
First memory: Probably my 4th birthday party. I was wearing a huge white dress and I got a blue Pocahontas lunch bag.
Happiest childhood memory: Kindergarten. I loved it.
Saddest childhood memory: It's a long story, hah.
What was your first word?: I don't know. My parents don't remember. :-/
First friend?: Jessie Banks, maybe.
First crush?: Michael B. Some kid who lives is Austin. I was 4 at the time.
First love?: Jesus!
What would you do if...
your best friend died because of you?: I don't know...
your true love moved out of the country?: uhh
your friend gave you the choice of cheating on the really tough math final?: Say no...
a friend offered you drugs or alcohol?: say no...
a friend of the same gender told you they were gay and asked you out?: "WHAT?!"
your bf/gf asked you to have sex with them?: Say no...
you were sexually abused?: ... tell somebody, first.
you were betrayed by someone you trusted and cared about?: I'd probably be pretty sad...
you found out your friend wanted to die?: Been there, done that... I try my best to help and encourage them.
Final Thoughts
Are you saved?: Yes
Do you believe in God?: More than anything
Why or why not?: My answer is too long to put there.
Are you depressed or sad all the time?: no
What are you hoping for in the future?: Lord willing, I'll finish college and get married.
What makes you happy?: A lot of things can make me happy... friends, memories, music, family, etc..
Only God can make me joyful though.
What makes you sad?: Family... stress... memories.. etc.
Do you believe in the Bible?: Yes
Why or why not?: Because it's my instruction manuel to life. It's the ultimate history book. It has to answers to all my questions. If the Bible isn't real, nothing makes sense.
I think I'll do a meme every once in awhile...
Random/BasicName: Katie
Nickname: Katerz
Best memory: I don't even know.. there's been so many
Worst memory: bleghh...
Best dream: Hah. I never have really good dreams.
Worst nightmare: My friend died..
Weaknesses: fear, self confidence, etc.
Strengths: I try my best to encourage people.
Anyone have the same birthday as you?: Kiersten.
Would you...
die for a friend?: Probably
die for your crush/bf/gf?: Probably
die for your family?: Mmhm
ever kill yourself?: Probably not.
Kill someone else?: no
If you had to choose-
save your cat or save your enemy?: enemy
rather freeze or burn to death?: I don't know... neither!
admit you love someone?: yeah
break the law or lie to save a friend?: Uh. Save a friend.
Have you ever...
cut yourself?: no
been in love?: With Jesus. :-)
thought about suicide?: I've thought about it in the past, yes.
hated someone so much you thought you would really kill them?: no
starved yourself?: no
forced yourself to cry?: no
forced yourself to throw up?: no
betrayed a friend?: I don't know... I hope not.
hurt someone else so you would feel better about yourself?: no
Which is worse?
your friend dying or your parent dying: They're both terrible... I don't know which would be worse though.
losing all your old memories or never being able to make new ones: Never being able to make new ones. Life will go on if I lose my old ones.
being rejected by someone you love or having your feelings returned only to be dumped a month later: How would I be rejected by someone I love? I'd only be in love with someone if there really was a relationship there. If I'm truly in love with them, and they love me back, than there's no reason for it to be "rejected" or "dumped" after a month. Love never fails.
being raped or willingly having sex and later regretting it: I don't know. They both have terrible cons.
having no emotions or only being happy once every couple of months: Some of these questions just don't make sense..
losing all your friends on earth or never having found God: Never having found God. He's my life. Nothing is more important.
being dumped or dumping someone: I've never done either.. so I don't know.
falling in love with an anime character or falling in love with a celebrity: Anime character. Hah..
a friend moving away or losing touch with a friend who lives right near you: I don't know..
What is your dream in life?: I don't have dreams. I have goals... and that's the follow God's plan for me.
Do you have insomnia?: Seems like it sometimes, hah.
Do you often wake up in the middle of the night after a bad dream?: yes
Do you get deja vu?: uh..
Did you ever have a dream that came true?: Not that I can remember at the moment...
What about a nightmare?: no
Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?: All the time.
Do you daydream?: Yes
Have you ever dreamed you were falling?: no
Greatest fears: abuse
What are you not afraid of at all?: Why does pumpkin pie come to mind??
Name a weird phobia you have: I don't know the names of them...
Has your fear ever come true?: Yep
Is your fear a common fear?: I suppose it is..
Any particular reason for the fear?: yes
Does it ever control your life?: Hm. It can... but it doesn't usually
Have you had nightmares about the fear?: Yep
Are you more afraid of rejection or failure?: Failure
The Past
Most missed memory: Childhood innocence.
How have your feelings changed throughout your life?: Feelings about what? Be more specific here!
First memory: Probably my 4th birthday party. I was wearing a huge white dress and I got a blue Pocahontas lunch bag.
Happiest childhood memory: Kindergarten. I loved it.
Saddest childhood memory: It's a long story, hah.
What was your first word?: I don't know. My parents don't remember. :-/
First friend?: Jessie Banks, maybe.
First crush?: Michael B. Some kid who lives is Austin. I was 4 at the time.
First love?: Jesus!
What would you do if...
your best friend died because of you?: I don't know...
your true love moved out of the country?: uhh
your friend gave you the choice of cheating on the really tough math final?: Say no...
a friend offered you drugs or alcohol?: say no...
a friend of the same gender told you they were gay and asked you out?: "WHAT?!"
your bf/gf asked you to have sex with them?: Say no...
you were sexually abused?: ... tell somebody, first.
you were betrayed by someone you trusted and cared about?: I'd probably be pretty sad...
you found out your friend wanted to die?: Been there, done that... I try my best to help and encourage them.
Final Thoughts
Are you saved?: Yes
Do you believe in God?: More than anything
Why or why not?: My answer is too long to put there.
Are you depressed or sad all the time?: no
What are you hoping for in the future?: Lord willing, I'll finish college and get married.
What makes you happy?: A lot of things can make me happy... friends, memories, music, family, etc..
Only God can make me joyful though.
What makes you sad?: Family... stress... memories.. etc.
Do you believe in the Bible?: Yes
Why or why not?: Because it's my instruction manuel to life. It's the ultimate history book. It has to answers to all my questions. If the Bible isn't real, nothing makes sense.
Dec 19, 2007
Don't you just love it...
...when you get packages in the mail from friends or family you haven't heard from in awhile??
I sure do!
Thank you, Joshua. You just made my day. :-)
...when you get packages in the mail from friends or family you haven't heard from in awhile??
I sure do!
Thank you, Joshua. You just made my day. :-)
Dec 18, 2007
God Bless N'Orleans.
The date is schedules for next year's family mission trip to New Orleans. Bill held our first meeting this past Sunday.
March 15-21. :-)
I'm really excited for the trip. This year's trip was awesome. There's not much else I can say.
Speaking of, I finally got a hold of a group picture! Unfortunately, only one or two people from the church staff even got pictures from my demo group, so not many(or no) pictures were shown in the slide shows. (Which is a real bummer..)
So anyways, I'm having to email team members personally for pictures because mine didn't come out well.
Rachel Brown said she would make me a CD though. That pretty much made my day. :-D

Our team demolished a house the first two days. On the 3rd day, we cleaned up various junked areas in the city. On the fourth day, we went to someones house and helped a lady pull up tile and clean up messes.
This picture was taken on the last day, right after we finished with the tile.
The date is schedules for next year's family mission trip to New Orleans. Bill held our first meeting this past Sunday.
March 15-21. :-)
I'm really excited for the trip. This year's trip was awesome. There's not much else I can say.
Speaking of, I finally got a hold of a group picture! Unfortunately, only one or two people from the church staff even got pictures from my demo group, so not many(or no) pictures were shown in the slide shows. (Which is a real bummer..)
So anyways, I'm having to email team members personally for pictures because mine didn't come out well.
Rachel Brown said she would make me a CD though. That pretty much made my day. :-D

Our team demolished a house the first two days. On the 3rd day, we cleaned up various junked areas in the city. On the fourth day, we went to someones house and helped a lady pull up tile and clean up messes.
This picture was taken on the last day, right after we finished with the tile.
Struck by lightning once
You conceived a flame
Now every waking second
I'm waiting for the blaze
But is it ever going to come?
What am I supposed to do
When everything I could become is overdue?
Out of frustration
Comes a patient man
I'm on the verge of something
The end of what you began
But is it ever going to come?
What am I supposed to do
When everything I could become is overdue?
Just the smallest spark
It set my world on fire
I see you in my dreams...
Overdue - Tree63
Struck by lightning once
You conceived a flame
Now every waking second
I'm waiting for the blaze
But is it ever going to come?
What am I supposed to do
When everything I could become is overdue?
Out of frustration
Comes a patient man
I'm on the verge of something
The end of what you began
But is it ever going to come?
What am I supposed to do
When everything I could become is overdue?
Just the smallest spark
It set my world on fire
I see you in my dreams...
Overdue - Tree63
Oh dear...
I just scared myself.
Seriously... I'm shocked.
Geez, I'm a complicated person. I don't even understand myself.
Hmm.. *taps chin*
I need to talk to Jesus.
I just scared myself.
Seriously... I'm shocked.
Geez, I'm a complicated person. I don't even understand myself.
Hmm.. *taps chin*
I need to talk to Jesus.
Dec 14, 2007
What is YOUR favorite Christmas memory?
'Nough said. Tell all.
Oh, BTW, I changed my profile settings. You should be able to leave a comment now, if you had trouble before.
Oh, BTW, I changed my profile settings. You should be able to leave a comment now, if you had trouble before.
That's winter...
My bedroom is thoroughly popsiclizing me.
I'm currently sitting right in front of a space heater.
Mmm. It's like the warmth of a fire... : )
I'm currently sitting right in front of a space heater.
Mmm. It's like the warmth of a fire... : )
Dec 13, 2007
The Day and the Life...
I went to bed at 2:00 last night. I had to study for and finish two biology tests, as well as study for today's final. Ugh.
As my dad and I were driving to class this morning, we stopped at a QT to get some gas for the rest of the trip, because the tank was empty.
Unfortunately, the car wouldn't start after filling up. Dad told me it had done this before during the week and could take 20-30 minutes to start up again. Crud.
I said my silent prayers....
Car started working about 25 minutes later. I was really late for class, but I got the test done, nonetheless.
All is well now.
Ok.. well not the car.. but you get the point.
I'll post more later... but until then, sweet dreams.
As my dad and I were driving to class this morning, we stopped at a QT to get some gas for the rest of the trip, because the tank was empty.
Unfortunately, the car wouldn't start after filling up. Dad told me it had done this before during the week and could take 20-30 minutes to start up again. Crud.
I said my silent prayers....
Car started working about 25 minutes later. I was really late for class, but I got the test done, nonetheless.
All is well now.
Ok.. well not the car.. but you get the point.
I'll post more later... but until then, sweet dreams.
Dec 12, 2007
Last Day
Tomorrow morning is my last day of Biology class... which means there's a final. *shrug*
Pray that all goes well! I expect to up late tonight studying.
Merry Christmas!
Pray that all goes well! I expect to up late tonight studying.
Merry Christmas!
Dec 11, 2007
Prayer Request
It's been a rough week so far. I guess you could say I'm at a low point on my life.
I'm realizing some complicated things that I didn't understand before, and it's really getting me down.
Please pray for strength within me, personally.
Also pray for my family, as we're struggling a great deal with relationships and finances.
Thank you,
I'm realizing some complicated things that I didn't understand before, and it's really getting me down.
Please pray for strength within me, personally.
Also pray for my family, as we're struggling a great deal with relationships and finances.
Thank you,
I've created a new blog. I'm hoping this will work better than xanga. Haha.
Have a great day!
God Bless,
Have a great day!
God Bless,
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